Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #1)

    Un caz este cel al asasinarii unor vampiri. Dar, pentru acelasi caz, este solicitata si de Nikolaos, stapina vampirilor. Toata lumea il cauta pe uscigas insa exista si cineva care o cauta pe Nikolaos.
Apare in scena Jean-Claude, vampir-suprem, de a carui protectie se bucura Anita. Aceasta protectie ii va crea necazuri vampirului, care va fi pedepsit de Nikolaos.
Phillip, un dependent de vampiri, va fi si el pedepsit. Relatia dintre Anita si Phillip este descrisa in scene incarcate de senzualitate.
Cum va descurca Anita Blake toate enigmele, cum isi va ajuta prietenii si ce se va intampla cu Nikolaos, stapana orasului?

Parerea mea:
    Placeri Interise este primul volum din seria Anita Blake, o serie care pot spune ca printre preferatele mele desi nu sunt foarte mofturoasa cand vine vorba de carti, dar  aceasta seria mi-a captata atentia. Deci primul volum e destul de mic, ca dealfel toata seria este asa, ce pot spune nu-mi plac cartile cu pagini putine si formatul mic.
  Deci Anita Blake vaneaza vampirii si alte fiinte supranaturale care incalca legea, ajuta politia cand sunt cazuri mai speciale si desigur lucreaza ca animator, sau pe intelesul tuturor invie morti....tare, nu??
Ce sa spun,  fata asta are o viata palpitanta, este o fata dura pana in maduva oaselor si este unul dintre personajele mele preferate.

Citate: Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1)

"Warriors did not beg. They rarely even asked. They took what they wanted and killed for it if they had to."

How can life mean so little to you?” she wondered aloud.
The smile he gave her was cold. “How can death mean so much to you?”

" Wow . Her emotions were breaking all kinds of land speed records tonight. She'd been terrified, pissed off, insanely jealous.
She had to wonder what was next.
Happiness, she had a feeling, probably wasn't it."

“I'm happy to take you on, asshole,” Butch said. “I'll probably end up losing, but I fight dirty, so I'll make you hurt while you kill me.” Then he eyed the guy's hat. “Though I hate clocking the shit out of another Red Sox fan.”
There was a shout of laughter from behind him. Someone said, “This is gonna be fun to watch.”

"Butch glanced back at Zsadist. Black eyes glittered in return. The smile on the vampire's face was greedy for sin and ready for evil."

“Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, he thought. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistable urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee.”

“That is one fine female, true?" V said.
There was a low, affirmative grumble.
"And someone you do not want to mess with," the brother continued. "Man, you should have seen her when we came into that barn. She was standing over his body, ready to take the cop and me on with her bare hands if she had to. Like Wrath was her cub, you feel me?"
"Wonder if she has a sister?" Rhage asked.
Phury laughed. "You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you ran into a female of worth."
"This coming from you, Celibate?" But then Hollywood rubbed the stubble on his chin, as if considering the ways of the universe. "Ah, hell, Phury, you're probably right. Still, a male can dream."
"He sure can," V murmured.”

“Now tell me something. What’s your word for husband?”
“Hellren, I suppose. The short version is just hell.”
She laughed softly. “Go figure.”

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Recomandari: Reign

Ei bine, acum ca am ceva mai mult timp la dispozitie m-am apucat de un nou serial si este abssolut genial, nu ma pot satura de el. Desi nu prea sunt atrasa de genul asta, pot spune cu mana pe inima ca acest serial este printre preferatele mele...deocamdata.

        Dupa ce si-a petrecut copilaria ascunsa in siguranta, departe intr-o manastire,tanara Mary Stuart ajunge in Franta unde fusese trimisa pentru a asigura viitorul Scotiei, formandu-se alianta cu aceasta prin logodna sa cu chipesul baiat al regelui,Printul Francis.Lucrurile se complica atunci cand apare Bash fratele vitreg al chipesului Francis si mama acestuia Queen Catherine. Acest serial detaliază istoria secretă a supraviețuirii la Curtea franceză în mijlocul dușmanilor feroce, forțele întunecate, și o lume de intrigi sexuale.